Monday, September 22, 2014

Masterpiece in progress

Back in May, our family went to Bryce Canyon National Park.  It was beautiful, and we were amazed at the miracle of the way the hoodoos and the different formations have come to be.  I loved hiking around and learning about the area with my family.  I was pregnant, it was before we knew there would be problems with Gideon, but was after the time when I felt sick.  Such great timing for me, I was so excited and happy.  And God's creations are so gorgeous, and I felt amazed at the diversity of beauty in the earth.

Yesterday, Scott was talking to me about how he sometimes feels like our journey through life is like the slow transformation of the earth.  Most of the time, erosion happens a little at the time, the masterpiece of what God wants us to be is happening almost imperceptibly.  It took many years for Bryce to become what it is now, and it continues to change little by little.

Other times, it's like a flash flood that runs through and takes massive amounts of debris and reforms and restructures what we thought things were going to be in our lives.  Gideon's death was like that, and some of our really sad, really humble moments since have been like that.  It's sometimes painful, the changes we experience, the pain at what we thought was going to be washing away completely.

But in the end, it's going to be a masterpiece.  It is hard to go through this much reshaping, the floods of tears and emotions, the wondering what to do now.  We are trying to trust in God through the whole process to see what we can become through his powerful hands.  Some days it feels like nothing is happening, that it's boring and uneventful.  Some days, we can see obvious changes in our lives and evidence that God is working a mighty work in us.

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