Tuesday, December 15, 2015

All heaven broke loose

There is a phrase for moments when things go drastically wrong: "All hell broke loose."  I have been thinking a lot about Christmas and snow this past week (we got over a foot of snow within 2 days) and wondering about the moments when things go overwhelmingly right.  Why don't we say "all heaven broke loose"?

For example: when Christ was born, the scriptures explain that there was a multitude of heavenly hosts who shared in the happy and excited moment through singing.  I have wondered: Was I there?  Did I rejoice with the angels and sing at his birth?  Did Gideon and I sing together, as we marveled at the gifts that we'd be given--a second chance at life, a resurrected perfect body, understanding from an all-knowing and all-loving being who was willing to experience all of our pain and suffering, so that we don't have to carry our burdens alone?  I am pretty sure that the moment that the heavenly hosts sang, the phrase "all heaven broke loose" would have applied.

I've enjoyed the beauty of the world so much, and the stillness, peace, and silence that occur when a thick snow is coming down.  The world is such an amazing place, given by a phenomenal Creator, and as the snow fell hard and fast this week, I thought "all heaven must be breaking loose".  In the quiet calm of that snow, I thought of the words to Silent Night...all is calm, all is bright.  And I think the word could easily be replaced with "all is right."  Even though the Savior of the world was being born in a stable, even though there were evil men plotting his demise, even though wickedness still existed in the world, it was an "all is right" type moment.

I don't know if I was there singing with those angels, and if I was there, could I really understand then how much my Savior's gifts would mean to me, prior to experiencing the love of family, the pain of sickness, the emptiness of loss, and the painful moments that sometimes happen and then haunt you throughout life?  Did I weep then because I loved and appreciated him?  I don't know, but I know that I weep now.  I LOVE my Savior.  No gifts will ever compare to His gifts. 

There continue to be moments in my life when I recognize His hand; I feel His blessings snowing down on me, creating a peace and calm that I can't duplicate on my own.  I want to do more to embrace them, to recognize them, to stop and revel in the wonder of the miracles and mercies that are coming down from heaven.  Somehow, during the last year and a half, I have become aware that "all heaven breaks loose" on me more often than I ever realized it before, and I have been often been very oblivious to it.  I don't know exactly how I'll achieve it, but it's a goal I'll probably have to work on for the rest of my life: to get better at seeing and acknowledging those times for what they really are...moments when all heaven broke loose.

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