Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Holiday Season 2019

This paragraph was written in November 2019: As we’ve approached the holiday season, I have thought so much about my little son who’d be 5 this year. What if I was given the gift of an hour with his 5 year old self? I’d hug him and look him in the eye and tell him that I love him. I’d hold him on my lap (if he wanted) or just sit right by him and read some of our favorite children’s stories—whichever ones he chose, and I’d sing him a few of my favorite songs. I’d use my phone to take pictures of the special moments, but not to text or Facebook with other people, not in that precious hour. And I know an hour wouldn’t be enough, but it would be such a blessing. Even now, I’m still learning from the loss of my son. It dawned on me, I need to treasure the “gift of an hour” I have with my husband and my kids that are still here. Things still have to get done, but my goal this week of Thanksgiving is to use the “gift of an hour” with each of my kids and my spouse, because I forget way too often to treasure the time I have with them, and to give them time that really makes life rich and full of love and connection. Tonight I held the baby longer than usual and tried to keep my perspective in place as I paced with her. I’m tired, I’m overwhelmed (like most moms with young babies) but I’m grateful that she’s here, and that I get this time to snuggle her and watch her grow. As you consider things to be grateful for, don’t forget to be grateful for (and to use wisely) the gift of each hour you get to spend with people you love. 

One thing that has been fun with having teenagers, toddlers, and an infant is that the kids are all excited for Christmas for each other, not just for themselves.  The kids tag teamed to buy each other gifts, and they were excited to discuss and plan what they'd get for each other.  I think having some younger kids who still feel the "magic" makes the older kids more respectful of who the "magic makers" are, and the older 2 boys even helped me to put out the Christmas presents on Christmas Eve.  While the house and the routine fall by the wayside over Christmas break, it felt like our stress and our short tempers also took a break.  The bigger kids played with the little kids, we watched a few movies ALL together (which is so rare anymore) and I loved the extra relax time. 

My kids hate taking pictures, but I am grateful to finally have one that has all 6 of our living children in it.  I do so wish that I had pictures with all 7 children, though. 
One thing that has been fun with having teenagers, toddlers, and an infant is that the kids are all excited for Christmas for each other, not just for themselves.  The kids tag teamed to buy each other gifts, and they were excited to discuss and plan what they'd get for each other.  I think having some younger kids who still feel the "magic" makes the older kids more respectful of who the "magic makers" are, and they wanted to be a part of that.  The older 2 boys even helped me to put out the Christmas presents on Christmas Eve.  While the house and the routine fall by the wayside over Christmas break, it felt like our stress and our short tempers also took a break.  The bigger kids played with the little kids, we watched a few movies ALL together (which is so rare anymore), and we worked on a few projects together.  I loved the extra relax time.  Miriam loves to match with her big sister, but she now has the ability to match outfits with the baby sister, and she was so excited to get some matching pajamas with the baby.

Uncleaned pans of bacon grease left an opportunity for a fun message for mom to find later. 

 Alydia loves to create.  She REALLY wanted a quilt making kit, but it was cheaper to buy the pieces of fabric.  I ended up deciding that the deal was so great, we'd get everyone fleece for Christmas and work on making blankets together.  Here is Alydia's finished blanket, (Miriam's is in progress on the floor), we worked on it while watching a movie together (Grandma Wight gave us The Fighting Preacher, which we all enjoyed.)       

 Over break, we went to the Leonardo museum.  They actually worked together on building this block "jail", and I'm a sucker for any time the bigs and the littles work together on anything, so it made me really happy.

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