Friday, August 14, 2015

Full term

I am 37 weeks along today.  We are so excited to have made it to what is considered full term; we were told that we had higher than normal chances of having a premature baby, and now that worry is gone.  I am still paranoid, if I don't feel this baby move for a long while, I reach down and shift her around until she twitches or pulls back.  This poor kid probably won't have any type of sleep pattern, because I won't leave her alone, but I just can't help it.  Oh well...I won't have much sleep pattern going on either pretty soon.

We're all hoping and praying for a healthy little one, and our 10 year old has said "We need to remember to thank God for the privilege of being able to have this baby."  Yep.  I'm anxious to get her here, though trying to be patient through these last few uncomfortable weeks.  We're excitedly getting ready for a new school year, and all the new adventures that will come with both school and with a new baby.

We feel so much love and support, and I'm so grateful that so many people are excited with us, even though this is our 6th baby.  It's a lot, even I think I'm nuts (I HATE being pregnant, but I love being a mom), but we appreciate those who are willing to celebrate this sweet little baby with us as we get ready to welcome her into our lives.  Any day now....

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