Sunday, March 27, 2016


Whether it's the loss of a 92 year old grandmother or the loss of a 7 day old, death hurts.  There is really no amount of time that would be enough time with your loved ones; there is no quota that can be met that makes it feel OK when someone you love dies.  More than most anything, you want more time with them.

The Savior made it so that we get a second chance, we get resurrection, we get more time with our loved ones.  (See 1 Corinthians 15)  To me, that is what makes Easter a day worth celebrating, whether or not there are candies, bunnies, or treats.  Because of the resurrection of the Savior, we get forever to be with loved ones.  He transformed the permanent "goodbye" of death into "see you later".  It's still painful and hard; we still long to be with our loved ones right here, right now.  I got to go to Gideon's grave today, and I missed how much fun an 18 month old would have had hunting Easter eggs.  It still hurts.  Like mud on a bee sting, though, Christ is able to absorb some of that sting, and I know the sting will not last.  Mosiah 16:8 says that "there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ."  Because of Jesus Christ, it will happen, I will get enough time with him one day.  That is a wonderful gift.

I often feel so imperfect, and incapable of doing all that I want to do.  I know what I should do, but I just can't keep up.  I can't be enough.  My efforts to be the best sister, daughter, wife, mother, friend, and person do not all succeed.  I fall short, and I will continue to slip up.  Sometimes I wonder if I am good enough to be the mother to my children, good enough to share my thoughts with others, good enough to make the world a better place.   I am, after all, only human.

Romans 3:23-24 explains "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ, Jesus."

Similar to the Savior's effect on death, His atonement takes the sting out of my imperfections, problems, sadness, sicknesses, and pains.  Where I fall short as a human being, He makes up the difference.  He carries my burdens with me and for me, so that I can do more and be more, He paid the price for my shortcomings and bad choices.  He makes me enough.

I am surrounded by greatness.  My children are beautiful and amazing, and they teach me so much about life and love.
 I am grateful for a Savior that helps me to be enough.  With His help, I can do all things.  (Phillipans 4:13)  I can be good enough (and he'll make up the difference when I'm not), I will get enough time with my loved ones.  I am so grateful for those priceless gifts from Him, and I have felt His love today as I've thought about them.

Happy Easter!